WalletConnect | How to Use WalletConnect

WalletConnect sessions are end-to-end encrypted and temporary. Users can disconnect sessions when they are done using the DApp.

WalletConnect is an open-source protocol that facilitates secure communication between mobile wallets and desktop DApps (decentralized applications). It enables users to connect their mobile wallets to DApps running in their desktop browsers, providing a seamless and secure way to interact with blockchain-based applications.

Here's an overview of how WalletConnect works and its key features:

How WalletConnect Works:

  1. Initialization:

    • A user initiates a connection by scanning a QR code displayed on a DApp using their mobile wallet app. This QR code contains information about the connection, including a unique session ID.

  2. Mobile Wallet Interaction:

    • The mobile wallet app recognizes the QR code and prompts the user to confirm the connection request. The user approves the connection, allowing the wallet to securely communicate with the DApp.

  3. Establishing a Secure Connection:

    • Once the user approves the connection, WalletConnect establishes a secure peer-to-peer connection between the mobile wallet and the desktop DApp. This connection is encrypted and ensures the privacy and security of the user's information.

  4. Communication Channel:

    • A secure communication channel is established, allowing the DApp to send transaction requests and other blockchain-related interactions to the mobile wallet. The wallet signs transactions locally on the user's device.

  5. Transaction Signing:

    • The mobile wallet receives transaction information from the DApp, prompts the user to confirm the details, and securely signs the transaction using the private key stored on the user's mobile device.

  6. Transaction Broadcasting:

    • The signed transaction is sent back to the DApp through the secure connection. The DApp then broadcasts the signed transaction to the blockchain network.

Key Features of WalletConnect:

  1. Decentralization:

    • WalletConnect is a decentralized protocol, meaning it doesn't rely on a centralized intermediary to facilitate connections. This enhances user privacy and security.

  2. Interoperability:

    • WalletConnect is designed to be compatible with a wide range of wallets and DApps. It follows an open standard, allowing developers to integrate WalletConnect into their applications easily.

  3. Privacy and Security:

    • The protocol prioritizes user privacy and security by ensuring that sensitive information, such as private keys, remains on the user's device. Transactions are signed locally, providing an extra layer of protection.

  4. User Control:

    • Users have full control over the connection process. They initiate and approve connections, ensuring that no unauthorized access occurs without their consent.

  5. Multi-Device Support:

    • WalletConnect supports connections across multiple devices. Users can connect their mobile wallets to DApps running on desktop browsers, making it versatile and user-friendly.

  6. QR Code Integration:

    • The use of QR codes for connection initiation simplifies the process for users. It's a convenient and secure way to establish a connection between a mobile wallet and a desktop DApp.

Using WalletConnect:

  1. DApp Integration:

    • DApp developers integrate WalletConnect support into their applications, displaying a QR code to initiate connections.

  2. Wallet Compatibility:

    • WalletConnect-compatible wallets include popular mobile wallets like MetaMask Mobile, Trust Wallet, and others. Users choose a wallet that supports WalletConnect.

  3. Connection Setup:

    • Users scan the QR code displayed by the DApp using their mobile wallet app. This initiates the connection process.

  4. Approval and Interaction:

    • Users approve the connection request on their mobile wallet, enabling them to interact with the DApp securely.

  5. Transaction Signing:

    • When transactions or interactions occur on the DApp, the mobile wallet prompts the user to sign the transaction, providing an additional layer of security.

  6. Disconnected Sessions:

    • WalletConnect sessions are end-to-end encrypted and temporary. Users can disconnect sessions when they are done using the DApp.


WalletConnect plays a crucial role in enhancing the user experience in the decentralized ecosystem. It simplifies the connection process between mobile wallets and desktop DApps, ensuring security, privacy, and interoperability. As the blockchain space evolves, WalletConnect remains a valuable tool for users who want to seamlessly interact with decentralized applications across different devices. Developers and users alike benefit from its open and decentralized nature, fostering a more inclusive and accessible blockchain experience.

Last updated